Marmaris International Short Film Festival

Marmaris, a coastal Mediterranean city in Turkey, is counting down for its 1st International Film Festival.

english press release marmaris international short film festival

Marmaris International Short Film Festival, a project of “MarmariSANart” community, is sponsored by Municipality and MARTAB with the donations of Martı Hotel, MAGIAD, Rotary Club, GETOB, SKAL, Lions, TURSAB, Sea Chamber of Commerce, Cooperation Association and Karacan Plaza.

Over fifty directors, script writers, actors/actresses, writers and film critics from Turkey will be participating this organization which Şeref Öztürk will be the chairman.

Marmaris International Short Film Festival is based on supporting short films, which is a very important aspect of film art, and supporting directors’ abilities of telling a story. The festival also has a goal to give young directors a chance and a voice in national and international community to express their talent.

Marmaris International Short Film Festival will continue to be held on every year with maybe changing dates.

Marmaris, a short movie plateau

In Marmaris International Short Film Festival, many short film directors will be invited and be asked of their opinions and shortcomings. On following festivals, workshops (such as synopsis, camera, lightning, script etc.) will be held.

In festival, directors who won recognition will be invited to Marmaris and during festival activities will be held on four days (boat and car tour around Marmaris sightseeing areas) to help on movie production and script writing. The goal is to turn Marmaris, which is a tourism city, also into a short movie plateau. Opportunities for movie production around Marmaris will be given to Turkish directors as well as international short movie directors.

Festival jury is people who devoted their lives on movies, such as directors, script writers and actors/actresses. Festival consultant will be Ahmet Mümtaz İdil and many other successful directors and actors are invited.

Head Jury with many Respected Names

2014 Head Jury will be Vecdi Sayar, Mustafa Altıoklar, Aslı Şahin, Hayri Çölaşan and Orhan Aydın. Front Jury will be Prof.Dr. Bülent Özkam, Tarık Alpagut and Serdar Gürcan.

On international part there will be only film screening and there will not be a contest part. The films which past elimination will be screened throughout the festival both in Turkish and/or with English subtitles.

On national part, there will be separate parts of contests on fiction, documentary, animation and experimental films. Front jury has watched all national films submitted and chose the films to be screened. Head jury will award the best in the categories written above.

The films which are chosen to be screened will be on screens throughout Marmaris for three days such as at the Marina, city center and public beaches on screens.

Translated by Özgür Teker

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‘Marmaris’ Uluslararası Kısa Film Festivali Ödül Töreni

Haber Merkezi ▪ İndigo Dergisi, 20 yıldır ilkelerinden ödün vermeden tarafsız yayıncılık anlayışı ile çalışan bağımsız bir medya kuruluşudur. Amacımız: Gidişatı ve tabuları sorgulayarak, kamuoyu oluşturarak farkındalık yaratmaktır. Vizyonumuz: Okurlarımızda sosyal sorumluluk bilinci geliştirerek toplumun olumlu yönde değişimine katkıda bulunmaktır. Temel değerlerimiz: Dürüst, sağduyulu, barışçıl ve sosyal sorumluluklarının bilincinde olmaktır. İndigo Dergisi, Türkiye’nin saygın çevrimiçi yayınlarından biri olarak, iletişim özgürlüğünü halkın gerçekleri öğrenme hakkı olarak kabul eder. Bu doğrultuda Basın Meslek İlkeleri ve Türkiye Gazetecileri Hak ve Sorumluluk Bildirgesi’ne uymayı taahhüt eder. İndigo Dergisi ayrıca İnsan Hakları Evrensel Beyannamesi’ni benimsemekte ve yayın içeriğinde de bu bildirgeyi göz önünde bulundurmaktadır. Buradan hareketle herkesin ırk, renk, cinsiyet, dil, din, siyasi veya diğer herhangi bir milli veya toplumsal köken, servet, doğuş veya herhangi diğer bir fark gözetilmeksizin eşitliğine ve özgürlüğüne inanmaktadır. İndigo Dergisi, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti çıkarlarına ters düşen; milli haysiyetimizi ve değerlerimizi karalayan, küçümseyen ya da bunlara zarar verebilecek nitelikte hiçbir yazıya yer vermez. İndigo Dergisi herhangi bir çıkar grubu, ideolojik veya politik hiçbir oluşumun parçası değildir.